
Summerfield Delight | Acadia National Park

Lovely readers! 

I am off on vacation for the next week, and might not end up with wireless enough to post for the week. If I don't enjoy your summer week. I am off to Mt Desert Island, specifically AMC Camp - ECHO LAKE to see family and enjoy the outdoors with friends for the week. The pretty awesome family camp will be arranging our hiking, eating and activities and I cannot wait to disconnect from TV and the internet for a whole week. Hence the lack in posting. Here are some photos from a few years ago when my sister, mom and myself went up to Acadia for a few days on the way up to Prince Edward Island. This side of the family (my mom's) is where my middle name originates. My great grandfather was named John Summerfield and he went by Summy for short. Long story short(er) the name Summerfield has remained an important part of our family. My grandmother, my mother and myself and my cousin have all been given the middle name Summerfield. The Jenkins heritage lives on! My mom's cousin Neddie and his wife Mary run the camp, and we are excited to see them at the same time as hiking, paddle boarding, sailing, swimming in the amazing lake and enjoying the company of new friends, our fellow campers. See you in a week.